Current Command Staff

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Legion id#: 10008
Name: Jeffrey Corbello
location: Lafayette, La

Current Command Staff

Post by Reela »

I am creating this topic to keep members and non-members aware of who is on Command Staff. I will also be including emails.

Commanding Officer (CO) - Kevin Bachemnin -

Executive Officer (XO) - Shane Aubrey -

Captain of the Guard - Bill Plasse -

Event Coordinator (EC) for East of the Mississippi River - Kevin Bachemin -

Event Coordinator (EC) for the North and Acadiana - Zadok Dyess -

Merchandise and Branding Officer (GMBO) - Amy Broussard

Public Relations Officer (PRO) - Ed Cook

Public Relations Officer (PRO) - Nick Foreman -

Charity Representative (GCR) -

Membership Liaison - (GML) - Shane Aubrey -
Jeffrey Corbello - DZ-10008
The Scourge of Tattooine - 400 Troops as a Sand Person....and counting
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Legion id#: 10850
Name: Amy B
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Location: Lake Arthur, LA

Re: 2023 Update Command Staff

Post by AmyB »

DRAFT - 2023 Elections - Command Staff

The list of current Command Staff, with the staff members name, Garrison forum ID, location within the state, and a basic description of the typical roles and responsibilities for each position.
This information is for all members and non-members: use it to get to know who YOUR command staff are & how they serve you at the Garrison and Legion levels.

All Command Staff positions are volunteer and appointed by the newly elected CO. They serves for 1- year term- unless ashe’s to continue each for multiple years. They begin after the CO election results are sorrowed by the legion- (annually (by in late February/ earlyMarch).


:pap: Commanding Officer (CO)
Damian Broussard - DBroussard
SW Louisiana / Acadiana Sector/ /Lake Arthur
NOTE: reviews and also responds to

:vader: Executive Officer (XO)
Frank Jameison-
New Iberia/ Acadiana Sector/ xxxxx:
FB Profile: Frank Jameison
NOTE: will responds in

:royalg: Captain of the Guard
Bill Plasse / Gilamu
Destrahan / Baton Rouge Sector
FB Profile: Bill Plasse

:jawa: Merchandise and Branding Officer-GMBO)
Amy Broussard. AmyB (Copperhead)
Lake Arthur LA/ Acadiana Sector
FB Profile: Amy Latiolais Broussard Or [

:boba: Public Relations Officer (PRO)
Noah Maurer- Noah417
Barksdale AFB/ Northern Sector
FB Profile: Noah Maurer

:tusken: Public Relations Officer (PRO)
Nick Foreman -TIEmlord
Lafayette/ Acadiana Sector
FBProfile: Nick Foreman

:mara: Event Coordinator (EC)
Kim Anderson - MotherofHuskies
Shreveport/ Northern Sector
FB Profile: Mishka Valentina Jensen

NOTE: the GEC will serve to coordinate and acquire events throughout the entire state- however may appoint a member near the eLocations to serve as the Point of Contact (PoC) and local coordinator.

Charity Representative (GCR) - Rachel Clegg
City. / Sector
FBProfile: Rachel Clegg

Membership Liaison - (GML) - Evan Latour
Lafayette/ Acadiana Sector
FB Profile: Evan Latour
GML?? Email??

Each staff member can also provide additional forms of communication for use they prefer including : personal emails, phone numbers, social media profiles, & other social platforms usernames such as Facebook messenger, Discord, TIKTOC, Instagram, LinkedIn etc.
**Please note the Legion, Bast Alpha Garrison, LFL, and Disney do not control, police, or manage members personal accounts/ posts/ photos/ videos/ etc. - only those made and posted for ths Garrison/ Legion On-The-the official BAG platforms. BAG activities will follow all legion approved PR protocol and guidelines listed at the legion level. Any official posts or files made for the Garrison that are found to be offensive, discriminating, vulgar, or inflammatory leading to issues, will be located, immediately blocked from public view until further investigation, and could result in disciplinary action.
The Garrison, 501st Legion, and LFL/Disney May are not responsible for a members’s personal account content any more than the are for all other members.
The Command Staff members are volunteers. All positions with the exception of the CO, are appointed only after the election results are revised, validated and approved by the legion (every February/March)
Amy “Copperhead” B.

TI/RR/DZ/IOC/ IC -10850
Bast Alpha Garrison GMBO 2019- Present
JRS Detachment, Black Widow, Velker Flight
Underworld Detachment

“I am coming for everything they said I couldn’t have”


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