so here we go, diving into a jawa build. This actually is not my first Jawa build, its just the first for me. I have built several Tuskens as well.
I like sand. Its gritty, and it gets everywhere...
Traditional build with the traditional materials, yards and yards of Monk cloth, speaker fabric, jersey gloves that need dye and hair for the backs of the hands and a bit to go up my arms, the ever traditional Jason mask, Im working on my own eyes from scratch, and I still need to source boots. Rubber boots really do not work for me, and I have huge landing gear. If I could get Uggs to fit I would be happy.
I recieved a wonderful Repro Martini-Henry bandolier and proceeded to beat the crud out of it, and promplty gave it a decent burial in my backyard.
I also ordered a sound glove from Hyperspace props, and I had WAY too much fun scaring the cat with it!
I am hosting work day on Sunday the 18th so Ill hopefully have some new photos to post up.
Looking forward to this and all the mischief to come!