Looking good so far. Can't wait to see the finished product.
Deputy Legion forum Admin
Kilted Trooper Brigade
300 + troops lifetime
2012 Silver Super Trooper
2013 Gold Super Trooper
2014 Gold Super Trooper
2015 Gold Super Trooper
Comicpalooza 2015 Droid hunt winner
Mechacon 2015 Droid hunt winner
"We are soldiers of the Empire. To be able to serve is the only honour we need."
"It should always be about what you can DO for the Legion, not what you can get OUT of it"
"I never realized you were so serious about imaginary ranks handed out by your friends."
- Eric to Kelso, That 70's Show
Do I have your attention yet?? Well do I?
good to see one of the female tusken WIPs. I used a lot of coffee for weathering mine , soaking the robes over night then letting it hang to get some shadows.
Here is what I got at the MoM Lafayette exhibit.
High Altitude Bombardment
Planetary Mass Redistribution
On Time, On Target
Fighter pilots make holovids
Bomber Pilots Make History
IS/TX/TX/TX/TI/TA/TS/RP/IC/IG / DZ Velker Actual Regimental Sergeant Major, Tannerman Rifle Regiment, RMMC David, Louisiana's first Visitor
Gary "VADER1" Breaux SL-1190
Bast Alpha Founding Member
501st Legion member since July 21, 2006
SITH MASTER: 125+ Troops as Darth Vader Droid Hunt Winner:
2009 DragonCon 23
2010 Star Wars Celebration V
2011 All-Con 7
2015 Star Wars Celebration Anaheim
2017 Star Wars Celebration Orlando
Hey! That looks so cool! I've never seen a female tusken costume in person and its gonna be really cool to have one in bast alpha! keep up the good work!
more mask detailing! i took someone's advice and went to work on weathering and layering. i even scarred the piece with a knife. i tried to get pictures in different sort of light to show it off: